One Cameron
What does One Cameron mean?
One Cameron is a phrase our staff uses to describe our tight-knit community. We are a multitude in our diversity, in our passions, in our personalities. We are one in our commitment to our students and families. Our goals and dedication unite us, and we will support each other and our Cameron community always.
Why Cameron?
When our staff was asked what they think of when they think Cameron, the number one response was community. Our teachers are welcoming and friendly to each other, our students, and our families. As a small school tucked away in a neighborhood, we feel embedded in the community around us. We know that alone we achieve far less than we do together.
Communication with our school community is a top priority for us. Teachers are supported by other staff in making connections with families, and families know our teachers are easily accessible, whether that be through technology, conferences, our administration, or our Family Liaison.
Cameron students and staff are multicultural, and we know that is one of our best attributes. Diversity is normalized, is common, is celebrated at Cameron because of the countries, languages, backgrounds, and experiences we represent. We recognize the beauty in the fact that together we know more than 22 languages, and it's normal to hear some combination of those in any school space. We value the strength of our minds due to the variety of our perspectives. Long time Cameron and new-to-Alexandria staff and families alike benefit from each other's experiences. We cherish all that our community members bring to our Cameron family.
Our driving force is always our students -- what can we do to provide the best learning experiences possible for them? Teachers are trusted as experts to deliver meaningful and impactful instruction that meets the needs of their unique group of students. Whenever making decisions, big and small, our bottom line is our students.
Supportive admin
At Cameron, teachers and staff love the support they receive from our administrative team. They are always available to listen, guide, and brainstorm. They recognize the heart and soul that teachers put into students, they honor and respect teachers' continuous hard work, and help to keep students and positive learning experiences at the center of what we do at Cameron.
Rich History
Did you know Cameron used to have a farm in the courtyard? Cameron has a rich history as a small community school. Learn more about it!
Purple Star School
Cameron has earned a 2024-2025 Purple Star 2nd Award from the Virginia Council on the Educational Opportunity for Military Children. This means it is our second time receiving Purple Star Award distinction for our support of military students and families. We are proud to be a welcoming community for all!

Cheetahs show their P.R.I.D.E!
At Cameron, these expectations guide our daily choices to do our best at school and at home.