School Innovation & Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance


Cameron Elementary School

Region 3

Goal: By Spring 2025, the 3rd grade reading SOL overall pass rate for students with disabilities will increase by 10%.

Strategy 1

Leverage use of daily, explicit language comprehension lessons from the new core curriculum for building knowledge and vocabulary.

Strategy 2

Increase efficiency of instructional delivery to ensure all students have daily access to all components of the language arts block as outlined in the new core curriculum.

Strategy 3

Increase use of data to plan instruction and monitor progress during intervention to ensure that students demonstrating risk master foundational skills.

Goal: By Spring 2025, the 3rd-6th grade math SOL overall pass rate for students in the black subgroup will increase by 10%. 

Strategy 1

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 2

Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.

Strategy 3

Increase students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.


Goal: By Spring 2025, the 3rd-6th grade math SOL overall pass rate for students with disabilities will increase by 5%.

Strategy 1

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 2

Increase students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.