Advanced Academics Program (AAP)

Advanced Academics Program (AAP)

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Advanced Academic Programs provide challenging learning experiences that are designed to meet the unique learning profile of a broad range of advanced learners. Through a continuum of opportunities, students engage in complex subject matter, preparing them for more challenging and rigorous classes as they advance in grade level. Children identified for FCPS advanced academic services exhibit exceptional performance capability in academic, intellectual, and creative endeavors. In order to meet their needs and develop to their potential, these learners require a differentiated curriculum.

Access to Rigor Services: All students in our community of learners receive instruction using 9 critical and creative thinking strategies. Students apply the use of mind mapping, questioning, encapsulation, point of view, visualization, decisions and outcomes, analogies, PMI, and fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration (FOFE) to their grade-level concepts.

Subject Specific Services: Students identified by our local Advanced Academic committee receive differentiated instruction in a content area(s) of strength. Instruction is delivered by the classroom teacher in collaboration with our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) .

Part Time Services: Students identified by our local Advanced Academic committee work directly with the AART each week in a small group setting. During this time, students are challenged with enrichment and extension activities developed to enhance grade-level curriculum.

Full Time Services*: Students who are found eligible to receive these services through a central selection screening process receive a challenging instructional program in language arts, math, science, and social studies.

*Cameron offers Local Full Time services as an option in grades 3-6.  

Level IV Screening Timeline 


Students in grades 3-6 who are new to FCPS after February may be screened for placement beginning second semester of the current school year.


Students in grades 2-6 may be screened for full-time services to begin in the fall. All Full Time referral forms and optional materials are due to the AART at Cameron ES. Decisions will be mailed home directly from the AAP Office in the spring.

Contact: Tiffany Reed or our Advanced Academic Resource Teachers for more information.